This is not the first time I'm enjoying the sight of Babarovsk, up close and personal. It's a fine city, and by my calculations, I will have had a chance to bask in its glory some 10-15 times already, with more to come, hopefully as soon as the beginning of next year.
Well, I guess that might have been a bit misleading. While it's true that I am enjoying the sight of Babarovsk, and it's true that it is indeed up, it's not really close, nor very personal. But you can trust me on the bit about the mountains looking Russian.
I've never accessed the Internet (note the capital) from 30 000 feet before. It kind of makes me feel like I'm the first person ever to do it, like I'm live-blogging some press conference from the Moon where important things have been decided by important people, possibly regarding the recent boom in cheese imports. Sadly, I realise this is not the case, but that's never the less what it feels like.
You see, I am going somewhere. At approximately 568 mph, the friendly monitor informs me (can a monitor be friendly?) Like many other places worth going, it's going to take a fair bit of time to get there. I will be served food again. I will probably not love it, but that's what's going to happen. I will eat said food, as I am now someone who spends most of his time desperately trying to convince the world around him - in this case the city of Babarovsk in Eastern Siberia - how awfully grown up he is. Deep down, though, all I'll be thinking about is that Seinfeld bit when he mocks - mocks, I tell you! - airline captains for going on the PA right after liftoff to drone on about routes and weather. "Maybe I should do the same. Maybe I should get a bullhorn and just go 'I'm gently pouring myself a glass of cola. I'm taking up the bag of peanuts. But no, I won't eat them now, I'll save them for later!'"
At a point like this, when you haven't updated a blog in say three or so weeks due to endless social interaction with others of your own species and miniscule amounts of actual work thrown in for good measure, you'd think I'd try to sum up the past three weeks, four months, or any other arbitrarily chosen period of time. But there's a time and a place for that, and none of them are either here nor now. Instead, I shall just post some random pictures that have been left unposted, for whatever reason, and leave it at that. For now.
The place which serves the meanest Avocado Burger in all of Tokyo. Believe me, I've been around.
Behold! The Future!
A Tower, and not just any Tower.
One small part of one fine dinner. Just missed the smoke spewing out of that thingie on the left there by about three... minutes.
A different Tower from the one above.
My lunch. If only wishing made it so...
That's it for now, I guess. Have used up half my battery already, and since I'm not in Business or First, I'm gonna have to make do without Power. That said, it's not like I don't have anything else to do to occupy my time. There's always the in-flight movies, which of course are far suckier than the ones they apparently showed on the way here. Now with extra static goodness since my side of the plane apparently has some sort of problem. With the electronics. Not exactly what you wanna hear when your rocking out over the ol' Verkhoyanskiy Mountains.
Eeeh, Firehouse! I used to be a regular there! A fine restaurant that surely is!
bunka no hi. meaning a first day-off in ages! i was in hip-hop/locking dance class for four hours today, yey for me. feel so tired but incredibly great! on sunday, gotta get back to work..
hope the rest of your journey was good and am waiting for you to come back to j-land!
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