Wednesday, February 21, 2007

The New Black

I'm amazed at the velocity at which my body can create rather large amounts of mucus. If only it could manufacture Volvo saloon cars at a similar speed. I would so retire to... somewhere.

Yeah, I'm kinda sick. But it's all good. I'm just sick enough to feel sorry for myself, but not so sick that it actually registers, unlike some people I know. These people who have had surgery today after somebody stepped on their left arm. And that was actually in an attempt to set the bone right! Damn, these Japanese physicians and their... feet? Anyway, get well soon, Mr Tiki!


A lot's happened since last we met. Not only has this thing gotten brand new sparkling threads in a vain effort not to give up too much distance to Mr Da Pete in our vicious blog challange, but I've also spent a day opening 19 bottles of champagne. Well, it didn't really take that long, but it was quite fun. I've also been to Shinjuku, Takadanobaba, Shibuya, Kamakura, and that's not even mentioning where I actually live, despite me having been there too. And! In one of those places, I met someone named Jeanne D'Arc. That's a fine piece of naming-devil-may-care on behalf of a couple of parents, right there. I applaud them for it! But I digress...

From the top: Attentive readers will no doubt (?) have noticed the new little list right there on the, well, right. It makes a pretentious claim about me liking "A rainy Shinjuku". It makes several other pretentious claims too, but I shall only justify that one, at least for now. So to do that, I offer the following: How can you not like a place that looks like this:

The Rainy Shinjuku of which I speak. Or spoke, at least.

And now, for something completely different! Construction worker sadism. Why is it that the people trying to build something across the street from me absolutely have to do their loudest work when I am trying to get my best sleep? On a frikkin' Saturday. I do not want to wake up at eight a.m. I did not call the front desk to ask for a wake up call, not that there is one to call. Nevertheless, these people see fit to wake me (me, I tell you!) with their... building. And just when I've given in, just when I've realised I'm not going to get any more sleep after half an hour's intensive banging, they stop, content in the knowledge that I am awake. Self-centered? Surely not!

Anyway, I'm sure they've all had this for breakfast. That surely must be the root of all this evil.


So, work. Aside from the champagne, one interesting thing happened. I was standing outside the entrance, and then I hear a pretty impressive crashing noise, see some pretty impressive sparks, and react way to late to the tire rolling away from the Merc at rather impressive speed. Thankfully, I was about two meters away from its path, and equally thankfully, it was stopped by the door or a taxi and not the flesh and bone of a someone. But it was kind of... rad.

Find the missing wheel, win a prize!

I know this post's a bit picture-heavy, but all this multimedia hoo-hah of late means I have to give the kidz what they want. And that's not text. No siree. They want pictures. They really do. Actually, I'm sure they'd prefer the new-fangled type of moving pictures, but somewhere I have to draw the line. Anyway, what follows is what you can find in the fine coastal city of Kamakura, once proud capital of the nation:

A bamboo forest

A traditional Japanese avocado burger. From Hawaii.

A random guy trying to steal a star.

I guess that should satisfy pretty much anyones craving of colored pixels for now. But just in case, I'll give it one last try. Final sale, everything must go! Have no fear, the holy mountain depicted below was not actually having an eruption at the time. I think. Tune in next week as I dissect every single one of the twelve plates of sushi I had at the gorgeous Kappa sushi located 10-15 minutes away by foot from my current domicile, and also: The weekend! Yes!


Per said...

Det bästa med att stå i en bambuskog, och det här har jag sagt tidigare, är att man tekniskt sett står i en gräsmatta. Som i Älskling, jag krympte barnen ungefär

Kumadude said...

This is true. Hur är det med de västeuropeiska bambuskogarna? Folket kräver en uppdatering. Och ja, jag använder detta forum för att angripa din uppdateringfrekvens istället för att själv ta ansvar för min egen låga Skype-frekvens.