Monday, August 21, 2006

The Four Cards

I got up at six thirty on my Sunday morning to sit on a hardwood floor for an hour and a half. What did you do?

But there are more important things than that. Such as, oh, I don't know, having mexican food with friends you haven't met in far too long. Haruka, Yukari, Naoto (and Tomo too, but you know, if I step hard enough on the floor in the morning, I end up in your place, so you're kind of in a different category), thanks for... everything, basically. I had a grand time, and I hope you did too.

For those of you who thought I'd gone nuts and started writing about sensible things, prepare to be stunned! All is well. I shall instead spend the majority of this post contemplating what information you can get from a person by the contents of his or her wallet.

No, I don't mean how much cash they carry around. I'm talking about cards. Going home today, I started developing this theory. People carry around loads of cards and crap these days, but in my simple mind, you can basically tell everything you need to know from seeing which four cards the person uses the most. This is all because of the structure of my wallet; I always place a card I've just used in the bottom of one of the pockets, making it easily reachable, strange as it may seem. So I can tell which cards I use the most just by checking the pile. Here's the top four.

1) Suica Commuters card. Not only can you buy hot dogs at furniture stores with it, but you can also ride trains. It's just that fantastic, which is probably why I can't seem to shut up about it. So what does this tell you about me as a person? That I like cards that go bleep when you touch them to sensors, and that I try to run away as often as possible by getting on various trains.

Sadly, the Suica is not valid on the Hello Kitty Bus.

2) Jexer Gym Members Card. Yes, it's completely unlike me in every way, but if there's nobody around to play tennis with and they have little tvs attatched to the bikes and treadmills and what have you, then even I can stand feeling like a hamster. I only wish they'd put generators in the things; I could power all of Tokyo for like... no time at all. Really.

What does this tell me about me? That if there's a tv involved, you can pretty much make me do anything.

3) 7-eleven cleaners card. This is a pretty straightforward one. It tells you that I'm a) lazy enough not to do all my own laundry (can't be bothered to iron my shirts in this fine establishment), and b) poor enough that I have to do get it done at 7-eleven.

4) Tower Records point card. This is actually a lie. Right now, it's my Xanadu Hair Salon member's card (possibly the most manly name ever!), but that's not really representative of the way things are. What the Tower Records point card tells you about me is that I'm desperate enough to seem cool that I'll lie about the order that the cards occupy in my wallet, or stupid enough not to change my theory to "It's cards 1,2,3, and 5 that are important". Or both, what do I know?

This is quite different from the list, had it been produced when I was in Sweden. It would then have been: 1) Visa debit card. No credit for me, thanks. 2) Driver's licence. Not that I got pulled over all that often. 3) Student ID. To get into buildings built for, well, students. 4) That's it. The rest of them were just there 'cause I couldn't be bothered to clean them out.

So yeah, what four cards do you use the most? I hope they include the member's card of a motorcycle gang of ill repute (they get the best cards) and possibly something involving ice cream. Feel free to make your own analysis, by the way.


In closing, I offer this, which has absolutely no connection to any card whatsoever. It's just that it looks like what I imagine that every building looked like in the 1980's Soviet Union, only that it's located in 21st centure Takadanobaba. And no, I did not just make that name up. Seriously.

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